Monday, December 26, 2011

Just Artemis here! Regarding one of the most ridiculed opinion I've ever seen.

Read this post and tell me this isn't stupid in any way? If you can convince me, I might take back what I'm about to say.
I like Harry Potter and Twilight equally. I'm not clouding my opinion.
This girl is complaining that everyone says Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight. She is obviously letting her obsession cloud the facts.

1. I don't know why she is complaining about swearing when throughout her whole post; there is swearing. The f-word is everywhere. She uses *** to block out her first "swear" words. Like Bloody Hell. Is that really swearing compared to everything else? Sure it is rude, (so is B*tch which is apparently in the last book. I can understand why she used the * for that word but Bloody hell?) but it's better than saying f-ing hell, isn't it? It's british. It's politer than what we Americans have come up with. I understand the part where she says little kids read this stuff and there is rude things in it.
But please, Breaking Dawn (part of the Twilight series) has Edward and Bella doing the nasty. How is that even better? It's like Miley Cyrus going rogue. Little kids watch/read/listen too.

2. Violence? Do we really need to discuss the similarities with Twilight? When James attacks Bella? The werewolves? The Volturi? Please, it's all violent. So to speak, both are equally violent to an extent.

3. Torture? Isn't that the same thing as violence? James is torturing Bella. C'mon! The bite she gets is just torture.

4. So apparently everything British utterly sucks? America is totally better? Please. Get your facts straight darling. If anything, everything British is better than America. Everything is better than America. Lmao. It's true isn't it? America is where your taxes are so high, that you can't do crap. In Canada sure they have free medical care and stuff; but taxes. Wheeew, amazingly we still have to pay. Also all the pollution that is here. The content of racism, or even everything.... Even in History America is horrible!!! The depression (really wasn't America's fault), slavery etc. What the hell is she talking about??

5. If you were British sweetie, you'd be saying the same thing about English (US or Canada versions). Don't trash before you have the facts right. You probably are using all this "slang" that no one can really understand you without their own slang dictionary. Also, once again with the swearing. Keep it to the down low with the vulgar dear. Kids could be reading (:

6. Funny accents? Why do you have a funny accent? Before you say you don't have an accent, oh trust me you do. Everyone has an accent. It's called an American accent.
I also think you are the only person on this planet who hates the British accent. It's cool to be able to hear a variety of pronunciations, no? Otherwise the world would be extremely boring. It's like racism. You don't like the way someone's voice sounds is like judging someone by their skin colour or the way they look.
The movies are amazing. I'm not even a huge fan. So don't accuse me of putting my "love" of Harry Potter over Twilight.
I liked the Twilight movies too but Harry Potter's graphics and everything were so much better. There is no right or wrong way to talk when it comes to accents. If it's the grammar and pronunciation of the only way possible to say something. Then yes. But that is hardly a solid point.

7. Excuse me, but Emma Watson is one of the prettiest actresses I've ever seen. Her character Hermonie(sp?) required her to have "frizzy" hair. Even at that; why are you judging people by their appearances. I'm pretty sure you're not the prettiest spoon in the drawer. Are you really that insecure to be dissing people to make yourself feel better? Everyone is beautiful for who they are not just what they sound like, or what they look like. It's how they act towards others and the way their soul is. That is what makes someone beautiful or pretty.

Dumbledore isn't freaky...or creepy. His beard is cool and once again; that is what was required of his character. Oh and by the way just saying: no offense to homosexuals btw doesn't mean anything when what you actually said is supposed to be offensive to a homosexual. It's like saying: You're so ugly. Oh, but no offense by the way.
Men can wear dresses. They used to wear dresses back in the day and in cultures around the word, they wear certain clothing that are like dresses.
In some places if you wear pants or shortish skirts/dresses or even t-shirts/tank tops etc. they would be offended and grossed out too.

8. You just described Twilight honey. May I bring up James again. Oh and vampires...werewolves etc. The Volturi is hardly realistic.
A group of vampires that control the vampire world from the human's eyes so no one knows they exist.
That is why there is a genre called: Fantasy.

These are just some of the reasons your opinion is stupid.
Well this is my opinion of yours. So I guess I can't really say it's stupid. I just think it's morally wrong. You know....for everyone. (:

So apparently all Harry Potter fans are rude...hmph. That makes sense just right after all you have said. Riiight.

If that is your part one. This might be a part one of my post too. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

-Extremely pissed off people everywhere