Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rant One

Awkward moments, who doesn't hate them.
Like the awkward moment when your parents ask you something that was originally a lie and you are standing there for five minutes trying to figure out what that was from.
Or the awkward moment when your mom or dad is doing the dishes and you slip your plate into the sink.
Probably the worst one is when your parents are mad, and you have more news to "break to them" that is about ten times worse. Like "Ugh, well I broke the lamp..." And they say "What?!" and are fuming over it for like ten minutes. "How did you break the lamp?" one of them asks.
You chuckle nervously..."It crashed into the flat screen..."
Yeah...not such a good idea. :D
Anyways, another thing I hate is when people reply with a blunt: k or Mhm or even Ya/Yea. I just find it really annoying. Please, just say Okay, or yeah or even respond in full! It only really bothers me when I type out this extremely long message and they're like, Ya.
Stubborn people. Honestly I am one of them...but stubborn people just really make me mad. I tell you one thing, please go with it. Instead of going...yeah but! Sure I listen but the people that usually go, YEAH usually wrong. Like one of my friends, let's call him Percy. My partner Athena probably knows who I'm talking about.
Now to wattpad.

I don't mind the people who are polite and demanding, just the rude ones ;D
I love making covers for everyone's books. But when it comes down to the point where the request is: Blue eyes, blonde hair, wearing a black shirt and a blue skirt, holding a cell phone with her boyfriend who has shaggy blonde hair...okay I guess you get my point. It's really difficult to do that....sigh. I'd be looking through photos for HOURS if I tried and I'd probably get NOTHING. D:I like considerate people though. Like this one person said: Oh, would it be possible if you could make me a cover if you have time? Take as long as you need.I like that person. Her cover was one of the most favourable and fun one I had made.

Anyways, something else I despise...and then I'll give Athena the spotlight ;D
I read this super long story once on wattpad...and the author wrote it like this.
So, as I was getting ready whilst I held onto my phone whilst calling my husband....
URGH! Every few words...whilst...whilst...whilst. Oh dear-- that drove me INSANE. The only reason I stuck to it was because it was a good story...
Oh the things I do for a good plot and story these's simply amazing. LOL
Okay, okay, stop complaining Athena, now it's your turn! ;D

It took you long enough! Holy Jizz. Hehe
-Silent Moments. Have you ever had that moment where your parents want you to play the silent game in the car? Where you can’t speak at all and it’s really hard? It really sucks when that happens and you’re trying to hold in a laugh, a cough, a sneeze, or a hiccup. For me it’s a cough, I try to be as silent as I can but after 5 minutes of tiny coughs, I burst out into a coughing fit. And then you just get yelled at again, Ugh *Face Palm*
-Mountain Biking Mishaps. My parents are OBSESSED with mountain biking, and there’s nothing wrong with that because it’s REALLY fun. But what about those accidental mishaps? Or those bugs that bite you every five seconds? I went mountain biking not that long ago, at Albian hills and my friend fell. She had a HUGE gash on the side of her leg and a bruise that turned purple as soon as she got it, and when we found her, her legs and basketball shorts were tangled in her handle bars and she was sprawled on the ground. I walked back with her and the bugs were constantly biting at us, or as my friend said ‘Eating us would be more realistic’. So remember guys when you go biking don’t panic and bring bug spray *itches arm* DAMN!
-Comma misuse. As mentioned in our first blog, Arty and I here are Wattpad users, and it bothers the HECK out of us when we read unedited work. But what bothers me the most is when there is comma misuse. Like every two words people put a comma in their sentence, for example ‘Bobby slapped, Melissa, in the, face, really, really, really, hard.’ I mean I just want jump through the computer screen and slap them in the face. Well actually I’m not that violent so I just want to erase it all and start over.
- Two words- Severus Snape. I have a few words to say about Snape- don’t get me wrong, Snape is one of my favourite characters and in my opinion he should be Harry’s father, but well... Oh my gosh can the man ever finish a sentence without pausing for dramatic effects? Like ‘they might think your.... *Glares at Harry*... *Waiting*........ *Still waiting*...... Up to something.’ And does he have to be so scary and cryptic all the time? And defence of the dark arts?  I know you finally got it but you should’ve stopped while you were ahead, didn’t you get the hint after like 6 replacement teachers and not one of them were you? I mean come on if they really wanted you for defence of the dark arts, they could’ve replaced you in potions in one second. We all just thought you were setting a goal at first but now it’s become an obsession! Also, what’s with the ‘I’m gonna make the wizards and Voldemort believe I follow Voldemort but I’m really not’ crap like man PICK A SIDE.  

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